
A leading multi-asset liquidity and full suite FX technology provider serving more than 350 clients across 50 countries.

Founded 2009.


AXIS CRM V5.6 – Version Update

Monday, October 31, 2022

In this latest version update AXIS CRM V5.6, we enhanced control for brokers by introducing more UI customization options and data filtering to fully utilize the AXIS’ core IB/affiliate network capabilities.

UI Customization

We have enabled more customization for the user interfaces of both the Admin Portal and Client Portal, allowing brokers to take control of business processes to better suit their needs. The portal landing page and navigation settings now have more customization options.

Create your unique CRM that exudes in-house vibes.

Client Portal

  • The default style of the landing page is now set to ‘center’. Users can also choose to set it to ‘left’, ‘right’. Light and dark themes are also available. The theme color is also customizable with specific HTML color codes.
  • The default style of the navigation bar is now set to ‘left’. Users can also set the navigation bar to appear at the top.

Admin Portal

  • The default style of the landing page is now set to ‘center’. Users can also choose to set it to ‘left’, ‘right’. Light and dark themes are also available. The theme color is also customizable with specific HTML color codes.
  • The default style of the navigation bar is now set to ‘top’. Users can also set the navigation bar to appear on the left.

9 different variations and colors of email templates have been added for admins to customize emails for specific branding or occasions.

  • To trigger this, admins will have to install the application in the marketplace.
  • To use templates when sending emails, go to ‘Notify’ > ‘Email’.
Payment and Funding

We have added functionalities for payment and banking to streamline processes for brokers.

  • Deposits through ChillPay are now supported.
  • Deposits through Paypal are now supported.
  • A minimum and maximum amount can now be set in transfer settings to minimize transfer errors.
  • The process of adding bank cards and KYC verification has been streamlined. The ‘Bank Card’ module in ‘Clients Details’ has been moved till after the ‘KYC’ module. This is to prevent adding of bank cards before the KYC process.
  • Admins can add now and update clients’ bank cards on the ‘Clients Details’ page.
  • Admins now have the ability to revoke pop-up notifications within two hours of publishing.
  • Permissions for viewing emails and pop-up notifications can now be customized depending on network roles.
    • Company Wide: Permission to view all emails and pop-up notifications sent to clients.
    • Directly Referred Clients: Permission to view emails and pop-up notifications sent to clients by direct team members.
    • Same Role: Permission to view emails and pop-up notifications sent to clients by admins of the same role.
    • All Referred Clients: Permission to view emails and pop-up notifications sent to clients by team members.
Admin Portal
Promotion Links

In ‘Promotion Link’ settings, ‘Downlines’ has been added as a group option. This is to allow IBs to create promotional links that specifically target their referred clients.

Bonus Campaigns

Admins can now amp up marketing and referrals via distribution of bonuses. Bonuses can be rewarded via Bonus Campaigns, which can be created under ‘Bonus’ > ‘Bonus Settings’ > ‘New Campaign’.

Trading Platform

Under ‘Trading Platform’ settings, the information that is automatically synced to the MT platform can now be customized. Here are the additional optional fields:

  • Phone Number
  • Email
  • Agent Account
  • KYC (including Place of Residence, Postal code and Address

During the trader registration and KYC approval process, a notification has been set to trigger when a KYC Identity Card/Passport Number already exists in the system. This is to ensure that each entry is unique and reduce accidental duplication.

  • The client list can now be filtered by those who have a referrer and those who do not.
  • The client list can now also be filtered by those who do not possess a trading account.
  • The lead source for clients can now be displayed. It is hidden by default.
  • Admins can now do a quick search of reports by keying in the order ID.
  • Supported reports:
    • Back Office → Reports → CRM Reports→Transactions
    • Back Office → Reports → MT Reports → Trade History
    • Back Office → Reports → MT Reports → Open Positions
    • Back Office → Reports → MT Reports → Pending Orders
    • Client Portal → Referral → Clients’ Reports → Transactions
    • Client Portal → Referral → Clients’ Reports → Trade History
    • Client Portal → Referral → Clients’ Reports → Open Positions
    • Client Portal → Referral → Clients’ Reports → Pending Orders

Report functions have been improved to introduce more sophistication for bonus tracking.

  • Trigger Order Reports: ‘Trigger Order’ reports can be generated to track bonuses that are rewarded when clients deposit funds. This allows admins to track the source of bonuses and events in which they are triggered.
  • Bonus Reports: The system can auto-generate regular bonus reports, which allows admins to view all the calculated bonus records.
  • Bonus Payout Reports:  24 hours after a bonus calculation is completed, the bonuses for each client will be calculated and a one-time deposit will be made to the client’s account. Admin can view all statuses of rewarded bonuses.

To improve user experience, the following formatting has been done:

  • All figures showing monetary currency is now formatted to be clearly separated by commas. For example, 10000 USD will show as 10,000 USD.
  • A space is now added after a colon in fields. This takes effect in ‘Client’ > ‘KYC’ page and all approval request detail pages.

About Broctagon Fintech Group

Broctagon Fintech Group is a leading multi-asset liquidity and FX technology provider headquartered in Singapore, with over 15 years of global presence across China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, India, Thailand, and Armenia. We deliver performance-driven, bespoke solutions to more than 350 clients in over 50 countries, offering institutional-grade liquidity, brokerage and prop trading solutions, as well as enterprise blockchain development.