to Your Exchange
Your Traders Want SHIB
Instantly add popular altcoins like the SHIB/USDT pair to your
exchange today and allow your users to ride this latest trading wave.
SHIB is Trending
Capitalize this Opportunity Now
SHIB is up almost 1000% in October 2021 alone, reaching a peak of $20B daily trading volume.
Making headlines in Bloomberg, CNBC and Coindesk, SHIB is rapidly gaining more public interest.
Join other major exchanges like and Coinbase who have recently introduced SHIB and enjoy the surge in trading volume.
SHIB/USDT On Your Exchange
Automated Liquidity Streaming and Market Making
full Orderbook Depth
Your SHIB/USDT Orderbook With NEXUS
NEXUS 2.0 populates your orderbook with the world’s largest aggregated liquidity pool,
streaming executable, real-time liquidity into your exchange.
Without NEXUS
One Click Activation
Just 1 API Away
Advantages To Your Exchange
Capture greater market share with
all the trending crypto pairs.
More products, more trades,
more revenue from volume fees.
Supercharged orderbook to
compete alongside any top exchange.